Ken Alfiero – President / Owner
Ken brings over 25 years of experience in the promotional products industry offering expertise and creativity to his clients. In an industry that is rapidly changing his hands-on approach, business & supplier contacts and personal attention have proven value and results. Ken has received numerous industry awards including the 2021 Breakout Award and the 2023 Tommy Joyce Memorial Award. Ken graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Industry.
Rick Badiner - Marketing Consultant
With 40+ years in the promotional industry and a creative, entrepreneurial spirit, Rick assists with both strategy and digital marketing. He is a favorite among peers in the industry.
Catherine Kruse - Global Sourcing Specialist
Working with overseas production can be challenging. Catherine has over 20 years’ experience coordinating full custom projects in both Asia and other emerging manufacturing markets. She assist with product design, sourcing, providing competitive price quotes, ensuring timely delivery of orders and managing factory communication.
Jake Logan – Graphic Designer
Jake offers the varied artwork services needed for our industry. From the simple conversions and edits that are often necessary to the complex design and creation of art for your projects. He prepares and formats art to support multi-tasking between projects to meet deadlines.
Kevin Coffey - Online Store Guru
With 10+ years’ experience in the design and implementation of online company stores Kevin is an incredibly valuable asset. With hundreds of active stores he continues to stay current with the best possible solutions in a constantly evolving environment.